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Monthly Archives: April 2012

hy all.. now i’m back to post another activity in my school…!!! ^_^

A few week ago… we wanted to drawed an abstrack picture on a canvas..
all of us.. need a theme, first my theme was Anger.. but i cant drawed something with an anger theme. So i changed my theme, but i don’t know the theme.. 😀
and then i start to drawed with my mysterious theme hehehe 😀
i made it at the background i put a red and white colours, and at the middle i put the other 4 colours like Yellow,Black,Green and Blue..
what i was drawed had a meaning, it meaned in Indonesia there were a lot of ethnics.

all of us had a nice drawed including Ombun, i think he was the best and also jennifer’s work was nice..^_^

That’s all.. 😀